Aquamarine - Mineral and Healing Properties

Chemistry: Be3A12(Si 6O18)
Class: Silicates
Subclass: Cyclosilicates
Uses: Gemstone; ornamental stone; Amethyst glass; electronics
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Aquamarine Crystals
Aguamarine Rough
Aquamarine Crystal
Aquamarine is the greenish-blue to blue variety of Beryl. It forms in beautiful crystals that can be quite large and totally transparent. Unlike Emerald which usually is flawed or heavily included, Aquamarine can form in stunning flawless crystals, creating some of the most beautiful mineral masterpieces.
Duller or greenish colored stones can be heated to very high temperatures in which they can attain a beautiful sky-blue color. In fact, much of the Aquamarines used as gemstones are actually heat treated.

Origin Of The Name
The seawater color of aquamarine has given this gemstone its name as the name aquamarine is derived from the Latin word for seawater. The specific term aquamarine was apparently used in an important gemological work by Anselmus de Boodt in his Gemmarum et Lapidum Historiia, published in 1609.

Interesting Facts
The Romans believed that if the figure of a frog were carved on an aquamarine, it served to reconcile enemies and make them friends. Another Roman legend stated that the stone absorbs the atmosphere of young love: When blessed and worn, it joins in love, and does great things. Aquamarine was also considered the most appropriate morning gift to give to a bride by her groom following the consummation of their marriage. The Greeks and the Romans knew the aquamarine as the sailor's gem, ensuring the safe and prosperous passage across stormy seas. In Medieval times, the stone was thought to reawaken the love of married couples. It was also believed to render soldiers invincible.

Where Is It Found
Aquamarine is commonly found in cavities, granite pegmatite, alluvial deposits of gravel and sometimes stream gravels. Beryl crystals in some pegmatite grow to very large sizes, even up to 30 feet. Aquamarine crystals of up to 3 feet are actually not uncommon. The best quality stones are from Brazil, where crystals weighing several kilos have been found. Other places aquamarine is found are the Soviet Union, Madagascar (where a dark blue variety is found), the United States, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nigeria.

What Do We Do With It
Aquamarine is used extensively in high quality jewelry as faceted gemstones. It is a prized specimen in any respectable rock and mineral collection. For the most part, Aquamarine is generally used for ornamental jewelry. There are usually no industrial uses for this mineral.

Metaphysical Uses
There are also many beliefs that regard aquamarine as a healing stone for mental afflictions as well as physical. The stone is considered an all purpose healing stone as it treats spiritual and psychological disturbances as well as physiological disorders and disease. Aquamarine is used in conjunction with the Hanged Man card of the Tarot, helping people understand the value of suspending activities in life in order to seek solitude and time for contemplation.
It helps one be better in communion with an inner tranquility, and is known for its ability to calm nervous tension as it is calming and soothing. Aquamarine is a wonderful stone for meditation as it quiets the mind and facilitates obtaining communication from higher planes. Clearing extra thoughts, it invokes a high state of consciousness and spiritual awareness, and encourages dispassionate service to humanity. If the spiritual and physical bodies have become misaligned, aquamarine gently realigns them, releasing intuitive communication on all levels.

Physical Characteristics
Color: Blue to blue-green to sea-green.
Luster: Vitreous (glassy)
Transparency: Transparent to Translucent.
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Crystal Habits: Often as perfect, six-sided hexagons, and usually in individual prismatic crystals. Also in short, stubby crystals, and occasionally in tabular crystals and flattened hexagonal plates.
Cleavage: Imperfect.
Fracture: Conchoidal
Hardness: 7.5 - 8.0
Specific Gravity: 2.68 - 2.80
Streak: White.
Associated Minerals: Tourmaline, some feldspars, micas, euclase, calcite, quartz.